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Beranda » Sosial Politik » Social Justice: A Sketch Of The West And The Islamic World Experiences
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Social Justice: A Sketch Of The West And The Islamic World Experiences

Rp 49.300 Rp 58.000
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Kategori Sosial Politik
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Social Justice: A Sketch Of The West And The Islamic World Experiences

Penulis     : Agus Wahyudi, Achmad Munjid, Azelarabe Lahkim Bennani, Jean-Christophe Merle, Mounir Kchaou

Tebal         : 146 hlm

Ukuran     : 15,5 x 23 cm

Penerbit   : UGM Press

Deskripsi :

The following book Social Justice: A Sketch of the West and Islamic World Experiences contains a collection of articles that may be read individually, each concerned with the same issues of social justice. The writers in this book originate from the Western and Islamic World’s countries. All have agreed to explore and contribute to understanding social justice in each pertinent countries’ experiences. The problems being addressed are either descriptive or valuational and, in most cases, are the combination of both. All articles presented in this collection are mainly a reexamination of social justice ideals from the authors’ viewpoints and experiences and how the ideals may be applicable and considered relevant to a particular problem faced by the respective countries. As its generic meaning is commonly recognized, all authors see that social justice is the most fundamental virtue, crucially providential, to be the basis of interpersonal relations ordering and establishing and maintaining a stable political society. While the nature, origin, and legitimate application of social justice are a thing that may be debatable, all authors in this book concur with the notion that there is a need to struggle for a just society. This idea may be best developed to respect persons as free, rational agents without ignoring the particularities of its communities’ challenges, characters, and identities.

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Social Justice: A Sketch Of The West And The Islamic World Experiences

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